Stand Out in Your Job Application

How To Stand Out in Your Job Application: 5 Important Tips and Tricks

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How to stand out in your job application? Searching for your dream job and submitting applications isn’t always the easiest thing to do.  The job market is getting increasingly competitive, meaning that getting into your dream career may be more challenging than you think. When applying for any position, you need to understand that yours will be will be one among hundreds or thousands looking to fill the same position. Getting your name noticed and improving your chances of landing that dream job requires careful planning and attention to detail.

How To Stand Out in Your Job Application: 5 Important Tips and Tricks

The good news is that you can easily learn what hiring managers look for and discover ways to stand out from the numerous applicants looking to fill similar positions. With the rise of applicant tracking systems, job seekers need to find more creative ways to enhance their chances of success. Here are a few insights on how to stand out in your job applicant and impress hiring managers.

1. Customize Your Application Documents

Generic applications downloaded from the internet tell the admission officials that you aren’t interested in impressing them. You cannot send the same cover letter to different jobs and expect to be called for an interview. Hiring managers know how to identify generic documents and will through such applications at the bottom of the pile. Don’t allow hiring managers to question your dedication and seriousness. Create a new cover letter and customized resume for every position for which you apply. If you doubt your writing skills, consider engaging professional resume services.

2. Build and Use Your Network

In most cases, networking entails meeting new people who share interests, professions, and industries. Evidence shows how your network allows you to build connections with the right people at the right time and could prove crucial in taking your career to the next level.

Networking is a crucial element of career development and can help people grow their knowledge and expand their opportunities. Understand that professional networking can take many forms. Including joining professional associations, attending seminars and industry events, and seeking out opportunities for coaching and mentoring. You can also network online, engaging individuals you wish to meet through email, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms.

The important point when it comes to leveraging your networks is researching and seeing how your personal and professional networks can lead to great contacts within the target organization. Request introductions and referrals as a way to get one foot into the door.

3. Read Over Job Descriptions

One of the most important steps in getting your job application right is carefully reading the vacancy ads to make sure you understand the application requirements and job description. What does the position require and how can you tailor your skills and experiences to meet the required standards? Even after you have read, understood, and followed the job description before drafting your application, you will still need to revisit the description and ensure that you have covered all the details.

You need to understand that hiring managers often have thousands of applications to review for every position. They tend to narrow applications by eliminating those who they think failed to read and understand the job requirements. Today, employers use applicant tracking systems to finetune requirements and reject applications missing certain details. While it may not be possible to accurately predict what tracking systems look for, you can boost your prospects by including the right information as indicated in the job description.

How To Stand Out in Your Job Application

4. Keep Everything Simple and Clear

Hiring managers have numerous applications to review for every position and will only spend a few minutes looking at each document. Make it easy for hiring managers to review your documents and identify your key competencies. Experts recommend using bullet points and short paragraphs to highlight your experiences and skills. This is preferred over solid text blocks that are cumbersome to skim through.

Simplicity and clarity also mean using the right fonts and adopting the appropriate layout. Your job application is not the room to be creative and play around with styles. Stick to standard fonts for the entirety of your documents to avoid putting off your readers. You need to ensure that your documents are clear and comprehensible. Your headings can also be made visible by using a larger font size.

5. Use Buzzwords and Keywords

Using the right keywords and buzzwords is crucial to getting noticed and placing your application at the top of the pool. You need to use at least four to five words that best describe you as a candidate and your more valuable skills and abilities. Reading through the job description will help you identify the best words and phrases to use in your application.

Like buzzwords, using the right keywords improves your visibility. Keywords are particularly crucial when applying to organizations that use applicant tracking systems. Review the description and locate those words relating to skills, experiences, and traits the employer is searching for. You can then include these words in your cover letter and resume. Choose keywords that portray you as a competent addition to the business.


This article offers a few insights for applicants to improve their job applications and increase their chances of success. Make sure to check your responses and documents for errors. Understand that misspellings and grammar mistakes can show the hiring manager that you don’t take the recruitment process seriously. Proofread and eliminate typos before presenting your documents. You also need to track your applications and wait for feedback, especially when applying for several positions. Find useful and relevant ways to showcase your skills and abilities. Most importantly, make sure to quantify your accomplishments and be ready to answer follow-up questions as they emerge.

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