jobs for creative people careers for creative personalities careers for creative people best jobs for creative people good jobs for creative people jobs for a creative person best careers for creative people artistic personality type jobs jobs for artistic personality types best jobs for artistic personalities best jobs for creative extroverts best careers for artistic personalities best job for creative person careers for artistic personality type jobs for artistic personalities career for artistic personalities intj creative careers best career for creative person career options for creative person good careers for creative people job for artistic person best jobs for artistic people great jobs for creative people jobs for an artistic person jobs for highly creative people career options for creative people

37 Evergreen Careers for Creative Personalities

(Last Updated On: )

Are you ready to be amazed? Creative jobs have many dynamic outlooks—perhaps far different than anyone assumes. After all, the essence of creativity is the ability to generate, develop, and express unique and original ideas, which is a skill that can be applied to virtually any industry. This article is going to discuss the types of creative jobs that enable careers for creative personalities in demand.

Careers for creative personalities

Art careers and other creative occupations encompass an enormous range of activities, from drawing and illustrating to performing, composing, and writing.

Creative abilities are also crucial for anyone who designs buildings, develops apps, edits films, or directs marketing campaigns. The range of possible jobs for creative people is much wider than you might expect.

Experts consider the creative industries as a vigorous economic dynamic. Collectively, in 2015 alone, the arts and cultural production industries (including design, publishing, broadcasting, the performing arts, and other related sectors) employed 4.92 million people and contributed almost $764 billion to the U.S. economy.

Related Read: How to be More Creative for Generating Ideas Techniques

The following list of creative jobs is divided into different interest areas, though many of these careers could easily fit in more than one category.

There are several types of creative jobs that enable careers for creative personalities in demand.

Harness creativity and grab from types of creative jobs. These suggestions are meant to fire up your imagination and get your creative juices flowing—so start exploring!

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jobs in demand art jobs jobs for artsy people jobs for creative person jobs that involve being creative jobs that require attention to detail and creativity professions for creative people top creative jobs in demand types of artistic careers what is a good job for a creative person what jobs can a creative person do what jobs require creative thinking creative business jobs careers with creativity jobs that relate to art what jobs need creativity career personalities creative job list interesting creative jobs jobs for artistic people jobs related to creativity best careers for artists creative person jobs jobs that are creative list of creative fields part time creative jobs creative independent jobs career options for creative minds creative skillset jobs jobs require creativity great jobs for creative people careers for creative minds what are creative jobs jobs for creativity examples of artistic careers career for creative minds top creative careers what are good jobs for creative people

Benefits of Creative Work

Creative jobs might be the perfect choice for you, in case you have many things in mind to innovate new. For many people, having the opportunity to be inventive and original is enough reason to go into a creative field of work.

There are several types of creative jobs that enable careers for creative personalities in demand. Harness creativity and grab from types of creative jobs. Here are a few other rewards that come with having a creative job:

1. Learn from challenges

Creativity is really about finding new and innovative ways to do things. When you concentrate on honing these skills through work, you find yourself better prepared to bring a fresh approach to problems in many other areas of your life.

2. Fun and Joy in collaboration

Some creative types like to work alone, but many relish the chance to combine forces to produce something incredible that didn’t exist before, for jobs for creative people.

Think of partnerships like animators and music composers, or copywriters and graphic designers. Working as a creative team to achieve a common goal can be extremely rewarding.

3. Preserve a healthy brain

Research has shown that creative pursuits can be good for your mental health. One study found that people in middle and old age who participated in artistic endeavors like drawing and sculpting were 73 percent less likely to develop thinking and memory problems, and those who engaged in activities like sewing and woodworking were 45 percent less likely to have cognitive issues.

4. Immense flexibility

Many creative jobs are not tied to a 9 am to 5 pm time frame. Professions like self-employed freelancers have focused more on project work with deadlines.

In many cases, you’re free to set your own hours and work from anywhere that suits you: your living room, a coffee shop, or a neighborhood park. You can often make independent decisions and set your own agenda.

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creative people

5. Continuous growth

As creative work gives pleasure and mental satisfaction, a job holder finds smooth career growth over time.

Creative Jobs in Craft Arts

Craft artists render their focus on utilizing their hands as tools to mantle and create tangible products from raw materials like wood, stone, and glass. Their creations could be functional or purely decorative.

Many of these workers are self-employed, but others find work with museums, galleries, or manufacturing firms. There are several types of creative jobs that enable careers for creative personalities in demand.

Harness creativity and grab from types of creative jobs. Following is a list of some artistic careers suitable in craft industries:

1. Jeweler

Average salary: $43,570

Designing and creating fashionable and unique earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and rings take excellent artistic skills and a high level of manual dexterity.

This is delicate, intricate work that requires soldering metals together and inserting tiny stones. A steady hand is also important when using lasers to cut stones or inscribe special messages.

2. Glassblower

Average salary: $41,246

It takes enormous patience, concentration, and attention to detail to shape molten glass into things like vases, ornaments, giftware, mirrors, and stained glass windows.

You have to be constantly vigilant about safety: Glass must be kept above 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit while being shaped, and burns are a constant danger.

In addition to producing new creations, glass blowers might also spend time repairing old works of glass.

3. Woodworker

Average salary: $34,530

From mass-produced items like bedroom furniture and kitchen cabinets to custom creations like wine racks and specialty signs, woodworkers craft it all.

They use computer-controlled machinery and a variety of power tools to cut and shape the wood to detailed specifications.

You need solid mechanical and math skills as well as good hand-eye coordination to succeed in this field.

jobs for creative people careers for creative personalities careers for creative people best jobs for creative people good jobs for creative people jobs for a creative person best careers for creative people artistic personality type jobs jobs for artistic personality types best jobs for artistic personalities best jobs for creative extroverts best careers for artistic personalities best job for creative person careers for artistic personality type jobs for artistic personalities career for artistic personalities intj creative careers best career for creative person career options for creative person good careers for creative people job for artistic person best jobs for artistic people great jobs for creative people jobs for an artistic person jobs for highly creative people career options for creative people

Creative Jobs in Design

Design encompasses a wide range of areas. A good number of professionals from design equip their artistic and creative skills to tailor plans for functional products, like clothes, buildings, and toys. Some others pay attention to planning the unified look of a screen, stage, or room.

There are several types of creative jobs that enable careers for creative personalities in demand. Harness creativity and grab from types of creative jobs. Following are some of the opportunities for professionals in creative design jobs:

1. Art director

Average salary: $104,590

Determining the overall visual look of advertisements, publications, product packages, video games, and movie productions is the responsibility of art directors, good jobs for creative people.

Art directors generate the artistic style for any project and thus oversee the role of creative services professionals, such as artists, photographers, graphic designers, and set designers. You need plenty of industry experience to get into this career.

2. Architect

Average salary: $88,860

Designing buildings that are both functional and attractive takes a unique blend of artistic ability and mathematical skills.

Architects have to understand the properties of different building materials as well as the structural and mechanical issues involved in constructing homes, office buildings, stores, and factories. Those with a solid grasp of sustainable design principles may find the best opportunities.

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3. Fashion designer

Average salary: $87,610

Do you fancy being a trendsetter? Fashion designers create designs for everything from clothing and costumes to accessories and footwear. You need an eye for color and a good understanding of the functions and uses of different fabrics.

A profession of a fashion designer also assists to be accustomed to the textile production process. An internship is a good way to get started in this field.

4. Industrial designer

Average salary: $71,430

Coming up with designs for manufactured products such as appliances, cars, furniture, and toys is the responsibility of industrial designers.

These professionals research the ways different products will be used before sketching out designs, developing computer models, or creating physical prototypes. A degree in industrial design, engineering, or architecture is usually required.

5. Interior designer

Average salary: $59,120

When choosing a room’s lighting, flooring, furniture, and other materials, interior designers must consider the size, layout, and function of the room as well as building code regulations and accessibility requirements.

You could design the inside space of private homes, office buildings, hotels, restaurants, airports, schools, or hospitals. Some states require interior designers to be licensed.

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creative people

6. Set designer

Average salary: $61,020

As a set designer, your job is to devise the backdrop, furniture, and props that are involved in a television, film, or theater production.

This involves consulting with the director, researching different time periods and architectural styles, sketching floor plans, and creating 3D models that illustrate how the various elements will look. You might also oversee the actual construction of the set.

7. Graphic designer

Average salary: $54,680

Websites, billboards, flyers, brochures, and product packaging are all examples of work produced by graphic designers. They are experts at using visual media to communicate a specific idea or message.

Many graphic designers work for advertising agencies, public relations firms, or web development companies, but independent freelance work is also common.

8. Floral designer

Average salary: $28,900

Choosing and arranging the right combination of flowers and greenery for special events or occasions requires artistic skills and a good understanding of the emotions that different flowers can evoke.

The job also involves teaching your customers the best way to preserve and care for different types of flowers. Since orders can’t be prepared too far in advance, good organizational skills are crucial.

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jobs in demand art jobs jobs for artsy people jobs for creative person jobs that involve being creative jobs that require attention to detail and creativity professions for creative people top creative jobs in demand types of artistic careers what is a good job for a creative person what jobs can a creative person do what jobs require creative thinking creative business jobs careers with creativity jobs that relate to art what jobs need creativity career personalities creative job list interesting creative jobs jobs for artistic people jobs related to creativity best careers for artists creative person jobs jobs that are creative list of creative fields part time creative jobs creative independent jobs career options for creative minds creative skillset jobs jobs require creativity great jobs for creative people careers for creative minds what are creative jobs jobs for creativity examples of artistic careers career for creative minds top creative careers what are good jobs for creative people

Creative jobs in multimedia

There are several types of creative jobs that enable careers for creative personalities in demand. Harness creativity and grab from types of creative jobs.

1. Special effects artist

Average salary: $80,131

Special effects artists usually bring seemingly impossible scenes to the screen as career options for creative people.

They use things like miniature models, animatronic robots, and computer-generated images (CGI) to create actions, events, or characters that would be too expensive or dangerous to film in real life. Television companies, film industries, or dedicated visual effects firms are good places to work.

2. Mobile app developer

Average salary: $72,420

As more and more people rely on smartphones to run their lives, developers who can come up with new and innovative mobile applications will continue to be in demand.

This job requires creative prowess along with good analytical, problem-solving, and computer coding skills. Being well-versed in multiple programming languages and platforms is also important.

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creative people

3. Animator

Average salary: $78,230

Many movies, music videos, commercials, and video games need animators to create the illusion of movement through a rapid succession of images, one of the careers for creative personalities.

You might draw each frame by hand or create digital pictures on a computer; some animators also photograph and manipulate physical objects like clay figures or puppets. A blend of creative and technical skills is important in this field.

4. Web developer

Average salary: $75,580

Creating appealing websites that fulfill a specific purpose involves analyzing user needs, developing the technical framework, and designing the layout and look of the site, as the jobs for highly creative people.

Some web developers perform all of those tasks, while others focus on specific areas such as front-end design. This is a hot field: Jobs for web developers are expected to grow 15 percent between 2016 and 2026.

5. Video game designer

Average salary: $59,699

You will be surprised to know that more than 24 billion video games were sold in the U.S. in 2016? Game designers are key players in the creative process for a new game.

They invent new worlds, develop plots and storylines, and determine the look of various scenes and characters. They also work closely with the game developers who do the actual programming.

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creative people

6. Video Grapher

Average salary: $55,349

Video graphics shoot and edit small-scale videos, as the jobs for an artistic person.

They might record live events such as weddings or charity functions or create business-specific films such as marketing or training videos.

They also integrate music, computer graphics, or special effects to enhance the intended mood or message. Training in broadcasting or video production is a good way to get started.

Creative Jobs in the Fine Arts

The jobs in this category are often the first ones that come to mind when people think of art careers and jobs for creative people.

At their core, the fine arts are about expressing thoughts and emotions through visual media like painting, drawing, and photography.

There are several types of creative jobs that enable careers for creative personalities in demand. Harness creativity and grab from types of creative jobs. Below is a list of jobs for artists with a few examples:

1. Cartoonist

Median pay: $10.24 per hour

Do you often see the funny side of a situation? Cartoonists use a unique blend of drawing, writing, and comedic skills to create political cartoons and comic strips.

They sell their work to greeting card companies, magazines, and syndicates. Many still sketch their ideas with pen and paper, but digital tools are becoming more common.

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creative people

2. Sculptor

Average salary: $58,370

Without sculptors, we wouldn’t have the Statue of Liberty, the Lincoln Memorial, or the faces on Mount Rushmore, and great jobs for creative people.

Sculptors carve and chisel three-dimensional creations out of materials like marble, stone, wood, or ice. Some sculptors work for museums or art studios, but most are freelancers who create commissioned projects for collectors, businesses, and government agencies.

3. Art restorer

Average salary: $46,870 for museum technicians and conservators who work from home, as the best jobs for artistic people.

You may have already seen the work of an art restorer and not known it. Art restorers work to restore damaged or old pieces of artwork back to their original outlook.

They might enhance an old photograph to make it less blurry or apply oil paints to damaged areas of a portrait. These creative professionals held complete work that requires effective skills in concentration.

4. Photographer

Average salary: $42,770

Do you have a good eye for colors, shadows, and compositions? A professional photographer is addressed as the visual storyteller who employs images to convey ideas, record events, and capture emotions.

Some produce original artistic creations that are sold in galleries and studios; others specialize in portraits, commercial photography, photojournalism, or scientific documentation, the job of the artistic person.

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creative people

5. Illustrator

Average salary: $41,205

An illustrator generates artwork that enhances or complements an idea or a concept. For instance, they might draw the pictures for a children’s book or select the images for a wall calendar, good careers for creative people.

Some illustrators produce images for medical and scientific publications, work as sketch artists for police departments, or create exhibits for use as visual aids in court cases.

6. Tattoo artist

Average yearly pay: $41,000

There’s not much room for error when it comes to applying permanent images to people’s skin. In addition to sketching out ideas and coming up with new designs, tattoo artists have to follow proper sterilization procedures and teach their clients how to care for their new tattoos and avoid infection. Some states require tattoo artists to be licensed.

A multimedia professional capitalizes on tools such as cameras, software, and computers to enact their creative visions of the art of life, as career options for the creative person.

They combine creative and technical skills to create films, video games, websites, or commercials. Many of the careers in this category also come with promising job outlooks.

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Creative Jobs in the Performing Arts

Whether you dream of singing and dancing on stage or working behind the scenes to support production, there are plenty of ways to make a creative contribution to the worlds of theater, film, and entertainment. Here is a list of categories associated with the creative job industry in the performing arts arena:

1. Director

Average salary: $89,840

A Director is a creative spearhead in the stage and screen production industry. They select the cast and determine how the script will be brought to life, as the best career for a creative person.

They oversee and approve everything from production design and actors’ performances to music selection and cinematography. You need top-notch leadership and communication skills to succeed in this kind of work.

2. Film editor

Average salary: $86,830

Assembling the various elements of a film into one cohesive product takes creativity and patience as well as technical skill.

It’s the film editor’s job to carefully choose the best shots or camera angles for each scene and add things like sound effects or music where required.

The idea is to make sure the final version of the film flows properly and adheres to the director’s vision.

3. Makeup artist

Average salary: $72,030 for theatrical makeup artists

A makeup artist uses creative flair to expose a bride’s natural beauty, transforms an actor into a superhero, or assists a politician to appear on television in the best possible way.

You need to have a solid grasp of color theory and application techniques; it’s also important to understand how to choose the right combination of cosmetics for different face shapes and skin types, and careers for artistic personalities.

4. Music composer

Average salary: $59,790

Composers create original music in a variety of styles for a variety of purposes, intj creative careers.

You could compose pop tunes for a mass audience, arrange classical compositions for an orchestra, or create the score for a movie or TV show.

You need a thorough understanding of music theory. Many composers also play the piano or other instruments.

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creative people

5. Choreographer

Average salary: $53,560

Ballet companies, theaters, and movie studios rely on choreographers to invent and implement dance routines for their performers, and jobs for artistic personalities.

Your job is to choose appropriate music and design the steps and movements for each dancer to follow in order to get an entertaining, coordinated final product. You need excellent communication and teaching skills for this career.

6. Actor

Average pay: $29.34 per hour

Immersing yourself in a character can be very creatively rewarding. An actor’s job is to portray a role in an authentic and convincing way so that the audience is drawn to the story.

That requires researching the part you are playing so that you fully understand the character’s motivations and mannerisms as for careers for artistic personality types.

Formal education is not required, but many actors do undertake drama, acting, or theater training, careers for creative people.

7. Singer

Average pay: $37.51 per hour

Do you envision yourself belting out tunes for audiences in nightclubs and concert halls as the best job for a creative person?

Whether you have a solo act or perform as part of an ensemble, you can use your vocal abilities to create an entertaining and engaging experience for your listeners.

Getting experience in a wide range of musical styles—classical, country, jazz-rock, etc.—can boost your job prospects, and careers for creative people.

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The U.S. cities where creative jobs are

Creative Jobs in Writing and Communication

Are you a whiz with the written word? The marketing, publishing, advertising, and entertainment industries- need creative as well as innovative people who can present well-tailored messages with the perfect tone, the best jobs for creative people.

There are several types of creative jobs that enable careers for creative personalities in demand. Harness creativity and grab from types of creative jobs. Here is a list of examples of creative jobs in the writing and communication area:

1. Marketing manager

Average salary: $147,240

Broadly speaking, marketing managers direct and control all communication between a business and its customers as the best career for artistic personalities.

They analyze market trends and establish strategies for pricing and promoting their company’s products and services.

They also coordinate and oversee the work of sales, advertising, and public relations teams. You’ll need a degree in marketing and several years of experience to get into this job, the best job for creative people.

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2. Advertising director

Average salary: $133,090

Generating interest in a company’s products is the role of an advertising director. These innovative professionals explore targeted promotional marketing to feel people want to purchase what a particular company is selling as the best jobs for creative extroverts.

While marketing is concerned with the overall public perception of a company, advertising is about inspiring consumers into immediate action.

Part of this job involves supervising the work of copywriters and graphic designers, one of the careers for creative personalities.

3. Technical writer

Average salary: $75,500

Can you translate geek-speak into plain English? Technical writers are in charge of developing user guides, instruction manuals, and software documentation.

They frequently use diagrams, charts, graphics, and videos as well as written text to communicate complex concepts. Journalism or communications training can give you a good foundation for this career and the best jobs for artistic personalities.

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creative people

4. Screenwriter

Average salary: $72,414

Developing scripts for movies and television productions can be an exciting way to use your creative energies.

Screenwriting is about telling a story visually; the focus is on moving the plot along through action and dialogue rather than thoughts and reflections.

An active imagination and a good understanding of the filmmaking process can be very useful, jobs for artistic personality types.

5. Public relations specialist

Average pay: $68,440

In an age of social media and 24-hour news, public relations specialists who can think creatively can find themselves in demand.

These professionals manage and control the public image of a company or organization, artistic personality type jobs.

That might mean writing speeches, drafting press releases, or responding to media queries. In addition to training in public relations, coursework in journalism, communications, or business can be helpful.

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6. Editor

Average salary: $69,480

One of the primary tasks of an editor is to shape and polish a piece of written content to make it the best it can be, the best career for creative people.

That generally involves assessing the overall structure of the story or article and checking for errors or inconsistencies in logic, spelling, tone, style, and grammar.

Creativity and an eye for detail are essential in this job. You could work for publishing houses or news organizations or go out on your own as a freelancer, jobs for a creative person.

7. Copywriter

Average salary: $49,095

Can you write captivating content that inspires people into action? Copywriters use the written word to promote products and services.

They are responsible for the text that appears in print ads as well as on promotional websites, brochures, billboards, and product packaging.

They might create slogans, write radio jingles, or craft social media ads. You can comfortably put your foot in the door through an apprenticeship or internship, jobs for a creative person.

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Take away

We have reiterated that there are several types of creative jobs that enable careers for creative personalities in demand. Harness creativity and grab from types of creative jobs.

The job-focused training offered by vocational colleges and trade schools can prepare you to find success in a wide variety of creative and artistic occupations and good jobs for creative people.

And these types of schools are easy to find. Before everything, you need to know the reasons why people do not perform at their best to think out of the box.

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