Growing Your Personal Brand as An Author_importance of content marketing

12 Tips On Growing A Personal Brand as An Author

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What are some of the tips on growing your personal brand as an author? Creating a web-based or print journal will help you grow your subscriber and client base, whether you’re selling a product, or service, or increasing website traffic. A well-designed and well-written communication will encourage, inspire, and attract repeat consumers. 

When done well, author branding may be crucial to future success. And authors who self-publish must be able to do this correctly. Creating a personal brand for yourself may assist your audience to understand the focus of your work, your values, and what to anticipate from you. It only requires a few serious considerations and creates a connection with your audience.

Even when opting for formal publishing, many writers start their careers without having a real internet presence that can attract readers. Nevertheless, if you’re self-publishing, it’s essential. You will be your own editor, designer, social media coordinator, production crew, etc., and you will have to accomplish everything that is typically done by the publishing business.

How to Describe Yourself as a Writer

You may captivate readers and express your distinct personality by focusing on the following elements.

Your author persona

Make use of the narrative abilities you (very definitely) already have. Then apply them to you. What personality do you project to the world? Are you witty or eccentric? or more inward-looking? What message are you conveying to your audience? Understanding what you wish to produce can help you define who you are. So think about your “public identity” or tale.

Your audience

Consider your reading audience next. Who is currently reading your books? You want your novels to be read by whom? Are they similar? Consider the individual who would best reflect your existing or ideal audience. then consider the reasons behind their interest in your writing.

You’ll be able to speak with power and clarity to the correct individuals and consider the community you want to build by identifying who your target audience is and what they are hoping to gain from you.

Your specialty

You must first and foremost decide what your specialty is. There could be other romantic or fantasy authors besides you. Yet no matter what you are writing about, your unique viewpoint, tone, and way of thinking come through on the page.

This sets you apart from other authors in the field. Your “Point of Distinction” is this. Do you possess a unique style, talent, or experience? Think about how these attributes could distinguish you or your writing. (But never brag; thank you.)

A poorly constructed one, on the other hand, might have the opposite impact. Your consumers may subscribe to or purchase a variety of professional-looking ebooks, periodicals, bulletins, and ezines. Some of the suggestions below can assist you in projecting a professional image and retaining a devoted following.

And if all you want to do is write, you might not enjoy picturing yourself as a marketer.

Ways to Brand Yourself by Creating Publication

To interact with readers, you need the appropriate tools. Hence, here are some pointers for marketing oneself as a writer on social media and via design.

1. Create your author website

You must have a website and a logo created. However, no of how bizarre the design, both must appear tidy, polished, and businesslike. Your logo might be your name or a picture as long as it complements the website’s design and doesn’t stand out. Your website’s design and logo should reflect the mood you want to convey. All images that inspire you should be looked up.

Make a note of the colors and fonts you prefer for CSS. After choosing a look, maintain it consistently. Look at a few examples of well-designed author websites to gain ideas if you’re planning to revamp or build your site. Don’t forget to consider site functionality together with site design. Those two things must constantly cooperate with one another.

2. Create your presence

It is insufficient to merely have a website. Also, you must actively develop your internet presence in support of it. To make the biggest impression, interact with readers and other writers.

Regular blogging is one of the best methods for keeping your audience interested and getting to know you better. Being active on social media is also beneficial, but consistency is key.

Choose the channels that you are certain you will utilize. Keep using them until you’re willing to try something new. Provide information and respond to queries, but avoid telling us all about yourself. To participate, look up conversation hashtags (such as #amwriting on Twitter).

Reply and repost anything you find interesting. Your following will grow because other people will be more likely to respond to you.

Nevertheless, participation is preferable to persistent self-promotion. Moreover, search for Facebook groups, forums, and other sites where you may post comments, or exchange material and ideas.

For instance, Brené Brown’s website is a great illustration of author branding.

3. Logos and artwork

The artwork that represents you as a company or publication is the first thing that people notice. Making your own logo or cover may appear to be a cost-cutting measure, but your initial impression will stick with your consumers in the long term. 

Even if you handle the rest of the work in-house, invest in a picture or cover that leaves a lasting stamp of excellence. If cost is a concern, look into several designers and see if you can barter in whole or in part, or pay on a monthly basis.

4. Find your readers where they are

Search online for places where you could discover readers who might be interested in you, even though it’s best to stay with the social media platforms you feel comfortable using (particularly if you’re new to them). If you’re not familiar with Instagram, for example, if you’re a novelist who also aspires to be a poet, it could be time to start. Learn how to use hashtags as well. People can get to know you if you participate in the conversation.

Social media interaction often enables you to identify sizable communities of like-minded individuals with whom to connect, share the word, and begin cultivating a fan base that will drive traffic to your website.

5. Grammatical checks

Unfortunately, many frequent grammar mistakes have found their way into everyday speech. You won’t find them in professional journals, so do your research and make sure you don’t make any grammatical errors that will make you appear unprofessional. Using “I” instead of “me” is one of the most prevalent mistakes.

Ask if “I” is doing anything or if “something” is being done to “me” to be sure you’re using the correct pronoun.

The first is “I,” whereas the second is “me,” since “I” is doing something in the first case: producing an ebook. My helper is doing anything to “me” in the second sentence: sending me a subscription list.

Taking the other person out of the statement and hearing how it sounds with both pronouns is a smart approach to double-checking. When you omit the other person from this statement – “She’s going with my partner and me,” you wouldn’t say, “She’s going with me.” Another “I” rule: in a statement, always address the other person first. “My customer and I are both revising her piece,” for example. Visit for some fantastic grammar advice.

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6. Double-check your work

Typos and misspellings, in addition to grammatical problems, will make you appear unprofessional. If you’re the author, have someone else check your work because your eyes may easily go over the same error many times. 

This is one of those times when you’re too near to the trees to notice them. If you’re working on a project with several authors, exchange pieces for proofreading.

7. Keep margins properly

There’s a reason for all that white space. It aesthetically organizes and divides your material on a page by allowing the eyes to “rest” between articles, paragraphs, and phrases. Readers will be able to explore your material more easily with a broader border on either side. 

If you’re working on a print publication, it’s crucial to talk about the layout with your printer or bindery person ahead of time. Even if you handle your own printing, a professional bindery will fold, staple, and trim the outside edge of your magazine or booklet, emphasizing the need of a large margin.

8. Dont experiment with different fonts and text sizes

Consistency in typestyle and size is something you’ll notice in professional periodicals and newsletters. It’s fine to use certain aesthetic fonts for story and article titles, but fonts and sizes that vary from tale to story are unprofessional and make reading difficult.

Yes, this may require you to increase the number of pages or rewrite an article to make it shorter, but it will give your printed products a more professional appearance. If you already know how much space you’ll have to work with, write some dummy material and then use a word processor to get a word count, which you can share with your contributors.

Make sure you proofread for too many hyphenated terms while you’re at it. Hyphenated terms are not used in professional advertisements. On larger articles and tales, the rule of thumb is to keep them to no more than two lines in a row. If your following word wants to hyphenate, use Shift>Enter and a line break. 

Also, keep an eye on the exclamation marks! Allow your comments to provide the necessary emphasis, or make a point with an italicized word or phrase. Also, if you do decide to include an exclamation mark, keep in mind that professional compositions will not have more than one!!!

9. Dont use WordArt, dark backgrounds, and fuzziness in designs

Publisher, for example, allows you to create amazing effects with your text, such as gradient screens and shadowed text. Don’t give in to the temptation that damages your hard work and success

Clean, crisp headlines appear considerably more professional. Make sure your text is readable if you’re breaking up your work with a colored or grayscale box or column. To give your text greater contrast, convert it to white or a light hue if you’re using deeper tones.

Do you notice a little ring of pixels around visuals while printing a publication? When you use low-resolution photos, this ragged effect is common. Make sure you’re printing with 200-300 dpi art or pictures, and ideally CYMK colors. 

If you’re not sure how to make such changes, get assistance from a designer. Many graphic conversions will make a statement of quality to your overall design while taking minimal time or money.

10. Be sincere to yourself

You must be genuine if you want to succeed in real life. You can only develop a powerful and captivating presence as an author if you allow your own personality to show through in all of your endeavors. Stick to being who you are to establish a relationship with your readers, who will value your authentic voice. You are the most vital component of your author brand.

11. Be reliable

Being remarkably consistent with your website design is now simple. For a professional appearance throughout your website and social media, there are online tools that may help you generate matching Twitter and Facebook cover and profile photographs, among other things. Create a similar style across all of the digital media where your audience may discover you in order to build a clear notion and let them know it’s you.

12. Consider including your “Point of Differentiation”

This was already mentioned as your main selling point. It will be simpler for you to develop a devoted following the more clearly you can let it shine in all you do.

Examine their offerings to see how you may provide something unique, more useful, dependable, beautiful, or all of the above. You can satisfy customer wants in a way that your rivals cannot by using these sources of distinction.

A unique method, a list of accolades, the promise of a certain kind of experience or solution, or the delivery of a service within a specific time period are examples of points of distinction. Your USP is a characteristic that sets you apart from your competitors and provides a significant point of distinction for potential customers.

Final thought

The obvious: As a writer, getting read depends on your writing quality. Nonetheless, despite the effort required, developing a genuine identity as a writer is definitely worth it.

Building an audience that loves you not only for your writing but also for who you are as an author will need you to provide a clear and persuasive image of your work to the world.

Your materials don’t have to represent the fact that you’re a tiny firm. Using these pointers will show your audience that you’re a company that values professionalism and quality throughout growing your personal brand as an author.

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