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5 Steps To Grow Networking Skills For Professionals

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Networking skills are among the vital interpersonal skills for every professional. Networking skills are a combination of other overlapping co-related skills. Do not appear in any social or business event that is not about you for all the reasons. Regarding networking relationship building, sales pitches do not create where you force others to listen to drones about yourself.

The same goes for social and professional networking via the Internet. You will pay for something when building a network. Both sides must benefit from maintaining a good personal and business relationship.

Networking skills

Networking is the fuel that accelerates success in every profession. Network skills are important for the whole team, not just for learning directly from individuals, but for professional pursuits. The network is a bilateral communication where two-party feedback is essential.

Networking can be intriguing. While you generally do not have access to build your pipeline and reach potential customers, it is essential to always expand your network. Never participate in a social or business event with the idea that it’s not all because of you. Regarding networking relationships, sales don’t make pitches.

Networking with sincerity counts

None of the above-mentioned strategies simply means that you should raise questions to sell yourself. However, if you learn the art of listening and asking questions, you will easily find that cordial, lasting relationships are going to be rewarding for both parties.

Avoid treating clients, customers, and other business associates as “cash cows” and opportunities. Most people try to kiss them and are offended by their unsatisfactory interests, compliments, and gestures that are good for recognizing them.

Related: 13 effective negotiations strategies in the workplace

Becoming a good listener

Good listening verifies the value of others and shows respect. Talking too much is unreasonable, supremely dominant, and not mutual. Asking thoughtful questions shows sincerity and builds trust because it actively shows interest in the opinions and thoughts of others.

One of the most irrelevant networking skills that you can easily master is the ability to listen. Getting people excited about you and your business, it seems counter-intuitive, but you need to listen more and talk less.

Good listening is active, not passive. To be a good listener, take the following actions:

Maintain eye contact

Don’t fidget, your body weight changes often, and don’t look at your watch! All these things send you an annoying message, apathy, not interest.
Bend your head to show the deal but do not stop to share your point or your own experience.

The person you are talking to, responds by repeating at least one key point at least in a question form. For example, if Cindy Miller told you how excited she was about a new product, ask how it would be made available.

Good questions lead to good listening and two important things: It shows that you are interested in listening and asking a question and that it continues the conversation in the conversation you choose.

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Image Credit: Easy Resume

Listening skills tip: A good listener actively focuses on the conversation and responds appropriately with curiosity and questions.

Selling yourself is not all about you

There is an effective interviewing strategy that works very well in networking situations: get someone excited about you, talk to them first about themselves and their accomplishments.

When people feel good about themselves, they too can feel good about you. It is important to hear that you respect and value someone by listening and asking the right questions.

During networking, pepper your conversations with yourself and your business tidbits, but always finish your self-pitch with a question directed to the person you are talking to. They will be excited about their response and will express tension with you.

Networking Success Tip: Basic human nature shows that if anyone is interested in you, they suddenly become more attractive. To be interesting, you have to be interested first!

How to ask the right questions?

Asking questions is an art. Ask the wrong question, and you can easily insult someone. But the opposite is also true; Asking the right questions can build trust by opening a secure communication line.

Keep positive and focused on questions. For example, if Ulanda Winston tells you how difficult it is to quit and abandon employees, a good answer will sympathize and raise a question to redirect his thinking:

A good response: “How worried you are about your staff should be difficult for you (sounds empathetic). How do you think the economy will improve next quarter?” Tell her that you are deteriorating his economy and not his personal failure It)

A bad response: “Do not feel bad, many businessmen are cutting workers (while sharing personal struggles, some people like to compare with others; it is frustrating). You need to do well next year (uncertain; patronage).”

Steps to improve networking skills

For some of us, the word networking can leave a bad taste in our mouths. Many of us are not sure where to start when we connect with someone or how to maintain that relationship. There are an art and science to networking and building true relationships, Here are the steps to improve networking skills:

Step 1: Mindset

Before thinking about networking, remove the word “work” from your system. We’re talking about giving people their “networking games”, and I can’t help but wonder how many showers I need to take after getting rid of ourselves unnecessarily. Perhaps the people you are trying to reach can reach dozens, if not hundreds, of people like you; And it’s not hard for them to find people who “cover their mouths”.

The best networking comes from real relationships, not a business card exchange. It does not matter if you are trying to build a relationship, instead of having a business contact, treating that person as a friend will take more of your relationship. So, think about how you would approach a potential friend. Find everything you have, keep it light, make jokes and, above all, look after yourself. It is one of the crucial steps to improving networking skills.

Step 2: Destination

It is rarely a good idea to do anything, nor is it a good use of your time. It heads toward the old analogy of having a completely gassed car without a final destination.

As many of you already know, I’m a big believer in goal setting and focusing on putting energy into achieving stated goals. What is your dream job How do you envision your future? What do you have to do to be your most complete, happy, and operative version? Write down what your goal is for five years from now. Then write down what you aim to hit a year from now to get closer to your five-year goal. Finally, write down what you aim to hit 90 days from now to reach your one-year goal.

For example: Suppose your goal is to create $ 1 million in five years. You will need a vehicle, your own business, an investment, or something financially viable to reach your destination. In this case, your goal may be more than a year from now, your business start-up and sales can hit $ 5000 per month.

So, what do you have to do in the next 90 days to hit $ 5,000 per month in your new business for a year? It can find the right partner with a supplemental skill set, or your next payee can acquire the customer within the next 90 days.

5 year goal: Make $ 1 million
1 year goal: Hit $ 5,000 / month ($ 60,000 per year) on sales with new business
90-day goal: Get your first paying customer

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Step 3: Mapping

Now that you have your final destination for five years, focus on getting you there, and design your map, with short-term goals. Keith Ferrari has a powerful strategy called the Networking Action Plan (NAP), which he explains, sometimes in a brick account, to connect your networking strategy with your goal. Mapping is one of the crucial steps to improving networking skills.

Step 1 is to write down your goal and final destination (which you completed in Stage 2). Step 2 is looking at the three goals you wrote. Then, next to each of your goals, enter three people who will kick-start or accelerate your goal. It can be people you’re already connected with, who have second-degree connections from you, or those with whom you have no connection.

Your top 3 may include any consultants or advisors, customers who will be advocating for you, investors who believe in your view, a co-founder or a member who can be a hired person, a boss or a manager who can encourage you to raise or Strategic position within the organization or superconductors that make up your network You will be connected to any of the above.

If you want to start a resource, you can have three potential partners, an investor, and a potential client. For a best-selling book, three can be your agent, promotional partner, or editor.

It is important to invest some time in a thorough study for self-confidence. Three people are essential to helping you achieve your goals faster.

Step 4: Building a human connection

Building a human connection is one of the crucial steps to improving networking skills. Do you encourage any real connection when you talk to someone – be it on Skype or over the phone or in person? Personally, I think it warms up for these reasons:

Ask insightful questions (for the other person to think about). You can learn a lot about a person by the quality of the questions you ask. Tony Robbins has often shared that the quality of your questions is related to the quality of your life.

Ask good questions, and get good answers. Peter Thayel challenges us to ask ourselves: “How can we achieve our goal of 10 years in six months?” When you are talking to someone by asking good questions, you do not put yourself in a category of thinking that separates you, but you force the other person to think in a new way that helps him or her grow.

Pay attention (if your life depends on it). It can naturally come to some people, or it can be extremely difficult for others. In our smartphone era, paying attention is a “skill” of our claim. Are you often fidgeting, looking around, or talking to someone interrupting your every sentence interference? By maintaining eye contact, listening attentively, and responding to relevant questions, you are separating yourself from your pack and are well on your way to fostering a genuine relationship.

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Stage 5: Superconnection

The fastest way to grow your own network is to introduce two people who can benefit from each other. This strategy is as simple as you can see it very rarely. When is the last time a person deliberately goes out of his way to introduce someone after hearing your struggle? If you are experienced in this rare species, you have met a super-connector.

With three billion people online today, it is increasingly difficult to separate the fog from the light, and the role of the supercar will become increasingly important in making that difference. Here are a few of the most powerful ways to become a super-connector yourself:

Do not hold scores. The main difference between these super connectors and everyone else. Super Connectors have an abundance mentality, and they are always willing to give, connect and share.

Make friends, not “contact.” In other words, the standard quality on the quantity. Remove your business cards and create genuine friendships with the people you meet. I don’t force myself to talk about business in the first interview with anyone if any. It is 10 times more valuable to connect with five quality people than 50 “contacts” whose names you will never remember.

Attach other super connectors. Do you know two connectors who can benefit from meetings? Have they already been seen? Introducing the two supercomputers is the easiest connection for you because: They are naturally friendly and will likely be the most friendly. And you can not only help others to further their goals but remember them for future connections that will benefit you.

Interview people If done strategically, it can be the fastest way to increase your network. You could do this in the context of a research paper, book, or my personal favorite, a podcast. I was fortunate enough to connect with Eric Rees, Adam Brown, Jason Fryd, Gary Wennerchuck, and others, who became difficult to connect with # I did not start Sissy Live.

Follow-up Do not forget about all these missing steps. But after a few months without any role, randomly followed, or later will randomly follow, not only help to maintain your connections but encourage a different level of relationship. Taking on a world, and being able to show that you care about someone as a friend will make you into a completely different category with no connection to you.

Take away

Ask a question whenever possible. If the matter is negative, avoid sudden things, because it will make the speaker uncomfortable. Instead, give a compassionate answer to show support, and then ask a question to redirect to something like that, but allow the speaker to respond to something positive.

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