Written Communication Skills_how to make a great business presentation introduction

How to Make a Great Business Presentation Introduction

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Preparing for a business presentation often focuses on the body of the presentation and ignores the role. The introduction is one of the most important parts of your presentation, though it demands just as much attention as the rest of the presentation. But how to make such a great business presentation introduction?

A good role does not simply capture the viewer’s attention; It emphasizes the key issues that the presentation will address. After writing the main part of the presentation, start writing your introduction. Finally, completing the role will help ensure that you focus on the most important or interesting information in your presentation. This article will be sharing some tips on how to make a great business presentation introduction.

How to make a great business presentation introduction

Be concise and articulate the main objective or problem that your presentation will address. By doing so, you set the context and ensure that your audience understands the relevance and significance of your topic. Limit the discussion of the purpose to a few sentences. The Pearson Education website offers a powerful note with a dramatic quote, startling statistics, or surprising information to begin the presentation. Here are some more useful tips:

1. Greet your audience

Welcome to the presentation. If they haven’t already done so, ask everyone to take their seats. Begin by introducing yourself, extending a warm welcome to the audience, and introducing them to the event. All the best in the morning, midday, and evening. Given that it introduces both you and your topic to your audience, your welcome is a crucial component of your introduction. You can greet everyone with a good morning or afternoon and a warm welcome to my presentation. You can say:

  • Let me begin by just outlining my personal background…
  • As you can see on the screen, today’s subject is…
  • The topic of my discussion is especially pertinent to those of you who…
  • This lecture is meant to serve as a discussion opener…

2. Introduce yourself

Give your contacts. Tell visitors your name, your title, and the name of your organization. Introduce other members of your team to attend. If the group is small, ask audience members to introduce them. Before speaking, it’s unusual and often appreciated to introduce oneself to the audience (it also makes you feel more at ease throughout the presentation).

Inform your viewers of your identity. Once your audience is aware of your name, introduce yourself and then explain why they should pay attention to you. Share the information you are giving. Tell them why it’s important and how. narrate a tale. Make a remark that is intriguing. Invite the crowd to participate. You can say:

  • Welcome to my lecture, everyone, and good morning/afternoon…
  • Let me begin by just outlining my personal background…
  • As you can see on the screen, today’s subject is…
  • The topic of my discussion is especially pertinent to those of you who…
  • The purpose of this lecture is to serve as a discussion opener…

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4. Make it Personal

One effective way to connect with your audience on a deeper level is by making your introduction personal. Share a relatable story or experience that relates to your presentation topic. This humanizes your presentation and helps your audience see you as a real person rather than just a speaker. By sharing personal anecdotes or insights, you create an emotional connection and engage your listeners on a more personal level.

3. Establish Your Credibility

To establish trust and credibility with your audience, briefly introduce yourself and highlight your qualifications or expertise related to the topic. Share relevant accomplishments or experiences that position you as a knowledgeable and trustworthy speaker. Remember, your credibility plays a crucial role in gaining your audience’s trust and convincing them to listen to your ideas.

5. Outline the Presentation Structure

After establishing your credibility and making a personal connection, provide an overview of the presentation structure. This roadmap allows your audience to understand the flow and organization of your content. Highlight the key points you will cover and briefly explain how each section contributes to the overall message or objective. By outlining the structure, you give your audience a sense of direction and make it easier for them to follow along.

3. Discuss the objective

Discuss the purpose of your presentation. The purpose of your presentation may be to inform the audience about new products or services offered by your company or provide information about partnering or investing with your company. After capturing attention, it’s important to clearly state the purpose of your presentation. Your audience should know why they are there and what they can expect to gain from listening to you.

6. Use Visual Aids

Incorporating visual aids into your introduction can enhance the impact and engagement of your presentation. Display relevant images, charts, or graphs that support your main points or illustrate key concepts. Visuals not only capture attention but also help convey complex information more effectively. Be mindful of using high-quality visuals that are clear, easy to read, and visually appealing.

7. Engage the Audience

Lastly, actively engage your audience during your introduction. Pose a thought-provoking question, ask for a show of hands, or encourage participation through a brief interactive activity. This involvement not only keeps your audience engaged but also sets a collaborative tone for the rest of your presentation. When people feel involved, they are more likely to remain attentive and interested throughout.

4. Explain

Explain what you tell the audience. For example, you might want to explain that you will discuss the features of your organization’s new dishwasher/laundry equipment. List the features that your audience will listen to, such as space-saving design, low cost, minimal water usage, and how customers switch appliances from laundry to dishwasher mode.

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5. Ask questions

Finish the introduction section with information about the question. You can ask audience members to ask questions at the end of the presentation or feel free to ask questions at any time.


Test your contacts to make sure you can confidently deliver them without your breaks or stumbling blocks. Ask a friend or family member to critique it and if you present the information in an interesting way that makes him or her want to hear more.

Before you begin writing your role, ask who the audience is. Consider how wise each audience member will be about your topic. Make sure you don’t talk to them or include too much jargon or too many scientific terms.


Do not provide the exact duplicate of your presentation on PowerPoint slides. “Presentation Magazine” notes that the main point of Visual Aid is to portray your points without completely duplicating them. Watch the slides, but don’t spend the presentation reading slides to the audience.

Final thought

In conclusion, a great business presentation introduction is essential for capturing your audience’s attention and setting the stage for a successful presentation. By incorporating these strategies, you can create a compelling opening that grabs attention, establishes your credibility, and engages your listeners.

Remember to hook your audience with a powerful opening, clearly state the purpose of your presentation, and make it personal. Outline the structure, use visual aids, and actively engage your audience to create an impactful and memorable introduction. With a strong start, you pave the way for a persuasive and influential presentation that leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

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