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Career Planning Definition, Concept, Steps and Process

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Career planning is self-evaluated and planned by a person who has a strong career path that needs proper planning. Understanding the Career Planning definition, process, career goals, skills reconsideration, and search for the right career options in a continuous repetitive manner.

Career planning definition says it is a personal way of establishing personal career goals and working towards the intention of bringing them about.

Career planning definition says it is a step-by-step process that enables a person to focus on living in professional life. Career plans, including short-term goals and long-term goals, can help to plan their career journeys. Self-assessment requires one’s ability and understanding of errors.

Career options should be searched in detail in a variety of career options to find a qualification among the opportunities and opportunities available. It involves building the selected career path and constantly increasing learning and improving. A good career plan helps in increasing the life of a person’s professional career, which helps them to grow personally.

Are not you satisfied with your career? Do not know which way your career should be directed? Career planning for long past days and now you will be transferred to other industries to get an industry experience from one organization. The job of the career plan is quite rugged and it is necessary to calculate and calculate each step. Focus on planning your own career.

What is the career plan?

Career planning consists of the activities and activities you take to achieve your personal career goals. Career planning is an ongoing process where you:

  • Explore your interests and capabilities;
  • Strategically plan your career goals; And
  • Develop your future work success by designing learning and planning strategies to help achieve your goals.

Career planning definition

Career planning definition

Career planning is an ongoing process through which a person determines career goals and identifies ways to achieve them. By which the person is planning his life as his career plan.

“Career planning is a process of systematically matching career goals and their ability to meet their full potential.” (Schermerhorn: 2002)

“Career planning is a deliberate process of being aware of self, opportunities, limitations, preferences, and consequences; the identification of professional goals and the” career path “or the sequence of steps to achieve the direction, time, and a specific career goal of programming work, education, and related developmental experiences. “(McMahon and Marman: 1987)

Career concept

Tern’s career indicates all the work held during his life’s career. It is seen as a sequence of positions held by a person during his lifetime. Edwin B. Flippo defines a profession as a separate order in the sequence of activities related to the person who gives continuity, order, and payment to a person’s life. This purpose profession. As a career elderly, it can be seen as a combination of values, attitudes, and motivation change. It is a thematic component in the concept of a career.

Career planning role

Each of us will rest our future shape capacity and it will be shaped by our actions or inactivity – Kate Weldelton

You should control your career for your own benefit. To control your career, you plan and plan effectively for your future. Because before you begin your career plan, the only person to decide your future plan, first ask yourself:

  • Who are you
  • Where are you now?
  • What do you want? (Develop your 1-2-3-5-10-20 years vision)
  • How can you go there

Who is responsible for planning your career?

You have a responsibility to plan your career. Supervisors, managers, and your organization can provide you with meaningful support for this process.


Set goals that you want to become in your career now and in the future.

Take action with your supervisor individually or assess areas for your individual interests, energy, and development. (See Career Planning Steps)

As part of the performance management process, develop an annual “employee development plan” (see the third part of the employee’s job profile) with input from your supervisor, including current work development and long-term career goals.

Work with your supervisor to find work opportunities for supervision and training, continuing education, and/or professional development.


Find out work-related knowledge, skills, qualifications, skills, and experience that employees need to be effective in their positions.

Help staff with small and long-term development needs that support the goals of organizations and employees’ career goals.

Supports “Employee Development Plan” indicating that specific steps should be taken and by whom to reach the goal of learning.


Provide a work and compensation structure that supports the organization’s goals and allows for personal development and growth.

Providing funds available for time and development activities.

Use the knowledge, skills, and expertise of each employee to support agency objectives and to meet future employee needs.

Career Anchor

Career anchors refer to a basic drive that is interested in taking a specific type of career. These drives are as follows:

Managerial Qualification: The person who manages this drive looks for the positions of directors who have the opportunity to make such decisions, decisions, control and influence others.

Technical skills: These anchors want to choose a career based on technical or effective content. It provides continuing education in a technical or specialized area such as quality control, engineering, accounting, advertising, public relations, etc., and updates its skills.

Security: The organization needed to maintain job security (through its organizational prescription), if there is an employee’s anchoring safety then a decent income and a stable future.

Creativity: This drive provides entrepreneurship and innovative opportunities for people. People are driven by a great desire to do something completely new to their own creation.

Autonomy: These people want a career that gives them action and freedom.

A career is seen as a sequence of positions occupied by a person in his lifetime. As an elderly person grows up, it can also be seen as a combination of values, attitudes, and motivation changes.

It is undoubtedly assumed that an inefficient person can do different things over time with his destiny and adjust them in ways that will help him to increase and optimize the potential for his own career development. Career planning is important because it will help the person to explore, choose and struggle for his career objectives.

Career planning nature

The main features of the following career plans:

A process: Career planning is a process of developing human resources rather than an event.

Upward movement: It involves the movement of organizational dominance, or special assignment project, for which the ability to manage repetitive issues, to issue human relations, etc.

Intercourse of interest: The person’s interest is widely met in terms of his needs and desires and the organization’s interest is provided because each of his human resources provides the opportunity to develop and contribute to organizational goals and objectives for the best purpose. Its power and confidence.

Dynamic: Career planning is dynamic in nature due to a variable environment.

Career planning objective

Career planning wants to meet the following goals:

Providing and maintaining appropriate manpower resources of the organization without taking a job in the profession.

Provide the environment to encourage workers to effectively contribute to the efficiency, efficiency, and growth of workers and to achieve environmental objectives.

Their ability to map their desires to the competent staff of different types of careers, and for the higher positions trained and developed.

There is stable employment by reducing Absenteeism and employee turnover.

The institution needs to be timely on the basis of timely fulfillment of the restoration of human beings in the immediate and future.
Increasing use of the management reserve in the organization.

Career Planning process

Career planning process

The career planning process is an important aspect of the development of a person’s career. The basic steps in the career planning process are:

1. Self-assessment: The first stage of the career planning process is self-assessed by the person to understand their skills and the field of interest.

2. Research on the profession: The second step in the career planning process is to understand career options, available companies, and career development options.

3. Determine career objectives: The next step in career planning is to set goals for short-term and long-term career goals and to set a clear career path.

4. Learn and improve skills: The fourth step in the career planning process is to acquire new skills and knowledge, to meet career goals and industry needs.

5. CV Preparation: The next step in career planning is to prepare fully in case of CV, cover letter, recommendation, etc.

6. Job Search: In the process of career planning, the sixth step is to put a list of people where a person starts looking for a job and starts the application.

7. Correct career goals: The last step in the career planning process is to evaluate the career goals continuously and self-assess to create a strong career path.

Career Planning Steps

Step 1: The first and foremost step in self-assessment career planning yourself to find out and evaluate. When deciding on a particular carrier option, you will need to collect information about yourself. You must analyze your interests, skills, feelings, preferences, and personal characteristics, and then study the relationship between the chosen career.

Step 2: Determine your goals according to your academic qualifications, work experience, priorities, and expectations of life. Once your target is identified, you can determine the possible ways and objectives of how you can understand it.

Step 3: Academic/career options Make your specific business aspects specific through an informed decision-making process. Analyze the carrier option with your current educational qualification and how many academic degrees you have to achieve.

Step 4: Identify the arts and special organizations where you want to go to Action Plan. To achieve maximum success, you decide how many years you are going to work in a company and then switch to another. Decision where you want to see yourself five years later and in no position.

Step 5: Opportunity Holds the opportunity to hold but once. So, whenever you get the chance to prove yourself and go to your preferred career, try to replace it for your purpose. Keep in mind that a successful professional is also quite convenient on his moves, for him to go back to the competition to check each opening.

Career planning advice

Do not waste much time and do not wait too long in the career planning session.

Do not judge and analyze yourself like your choices, dislikes, powers, etc. by hearing what people around you say. Be your best judge.

Open up constructive criticism.

Career planning is a very important step that needs to be considered as a whole. If necessary, do not hesitate to find professional guidance and find the best career plan for yourself.

Take away

Keep in mind that anyone’s actions can affect the performance of employees and organizations outside the control of the organization. But one thing is true – it is important to perform well in a current location. Continuous, high-quality performance, along with contemplative career planning, will help to ensure continued career success.

Overall, it is involved in personal goals and awareness of career goals, and being aware of the goals. It constantly takes the risk of learning and applying new knowledge, taking advantage of opportunities, and helping to make the organization effective and effective in achieving its career and personal goals.

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