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10 Best Tips On An SEO Audit for An eCommerce Website

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What could be some of the best tips on an SEO Audit for an eCommerce website? People start businesses so that they can generate profit and make money. It is why business owners not only focus on their physical presence but their online presence as well. When building an online presence, focusing on social media platforms and website is essential.

An eCommerce website for business owners helps them to nurture clients and ultimately sell their products or services to them. This places importance on having an SEO-optimized website. It is needless to create content and not get any traffic because SEO best practices have not been implemented on the website.

Therefore, if you are looking for a way to drive traffic to your eCommerce website and make it rank on the search engine, then you have to conduct an SEO audit. Doing this audit helps you diagnose the problem with your website. Finding the solution, you need is more effortless when you know the situation.

So, what are the sure ways to carry out this audit?

1 Find out how search engines view your website

Google remains one of the most powerful search engines that nearly everyone uses. This is why ranking on this search engine is essential. However, it is impossible to do so when Google cannot find your site. To prevent this, you should find out if your website is free from errors.

After that, you can verify the website domain on the Google search engine console. This helps you check what is going on and how the search engine sees your website. You can see clear insights of your searches, URL, breadcrumbs, snippet, title, site links, event-rich snippets, product-rich snippets, etc., and you can see how your e-commerce website is viewed on all these websites for you to make corrections.

You also need to ensure vocabulary is added to your website and used correctly. It should include the kind of content you have published on your pages and the kind of services you are offering so that each time a related keyword is an input in the search engines, bots that crawl will be able to index and rank the pages of your websites.

While carrying out this first audit, do not forget to add internal links to your website because it helps your visitors connect your content to other pages of your website and look for similar products they make and want to purchase.

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2 Is your website crawlable?

Most website owners believe that having their website protected with an SSL Certificate is all there is to a website. Doing this is good, especially if you have an eCommerce website and want your client’s information to be saved.

However, the following audit you need to carry out is the crawl ability of your site. When bots that have been sent to crawl your ecommerce website have been unable to do so because of too many issues with your website, you cannot rank on search engines.

A great way to check this is by using a search engine console that shows insight on the last time bots crawled your website and the errors that need to be fixed. You do not want to miss good traffic and sales because your ecommerce website is not crawlable.

3 Has your site been indexed?

Checking out if your website has been indexed is possible. It is needless to publish content and not get any visitors. Neither is it right for your website pages not to be indexed on search engines? You have to look at Google’s index report, which shows the pages of your website that Google has indexed.

While looking at the index of your site, do not neglect to view the keyword index monitor on the index report. It shows you what keywords you have been ranked for. It also shows the keywords that are on your website. So, when you see keywords you did not use or content you did not put, you can diagnose whether your website has been hacked or has other issues that must be fixed as a part of the SEO audit for eCommerce website.

4 Can your website be ranked?

Getting your ecommerce website to rank for specific keywords relating to your products, services, and products you have put out is fantastic. The ability for your site to be ranked depends on if your site was successfully crawled. During the bot crawling and indexing of your pages, certain things were looked at, like the on-page and off-page of your website.

To audit your website page successfully, you need to check whether your website currently uses SEO practices, which are majorly keywords. You can search for keywords with tools like Google keyword planner, Ahrefs keyword search, Ubersuggests, etc. Carrying out keyword research before writing content for the pages on your website is essential if you want to rank.

When carrying out the research, look at that particular keyword’s volume to decide which one to go for. You do not want to write content with keywords that have few to no searches online. In addition, your content should put your buyer as the primary focus and aim to educate them. It should not be only about making sales.

Know the difficulty or relevance of that keyword. Also, know where to place keywords rightly on your content, like the title tag, so that google can notice it in the body of the content, subheadings of the posts, and in the Meta description of the post.

Carrying out a thorough on-page SEO audit on your website makes you know the exact errors and ways to fix them. These errors include duplicate Meta descriptions, content, missing title tags, duplicate title tags, and Missing ALT tags or texts. When the issues are fixed, it is easier for your website to get indexed and ranked.

To fix your title errors, you must ensure that your pages have unique titles and good keywords. It is not necessary for every page on your website that has to be crawled because it can lead to your website not getting indexed and ranked. Therefore, you can block them from being crawled manually.

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5 Do you have breadcrumb navigation on your pages?

If you want human visitors and bots to navigate your pages and sub-pages easily and without stress, then you need to ensure that you have breadcrumb navigation available. Bots can understand exactly how you structure the pages of your websites in addition to the related pages and categories. It aids visitors in knowing the exact pages they are and going to previous pages or sub-categories.

6 Does your ecommerce website have enough content?

While the SEO audit for eCommerce website, find out if you have enough educative and unique content because search engines look out for these. The content on each page should be a minimum of 250 words. It is through the content that you can add keywords to help boost your e-commerce ranking and visitors.

As an ecommerce website owner, you can work on the category pages which categorize the products or services you are offering, educate your visitors or potential customers, tell them how they will benefit when they make a purchase, what makes your brand unique, etc. while doing this, ensure that your brand tone is consistent.

Writing content for each product or service you use may not be easy. However, it is still essential to do that for the major ones that will drive more traffic while ensuring that the Meta descriptions are optimized and other areas that need keywords. The product pages should also have unique content with top keywords.

7 Work on your out-of-stock pages

There are times a product is temporarily or permanently out of stock. Alternatively, you are no longer providing a particular service to your customers. Most people make the mistake of deleting that page altogether. They could alternatively use the page to redirect visitors to similar products or services. 

On those pages, you can place a notification for customers to know that the product or service is unavailable. The pages should still be kept to help you gain traffic and still be seen as a great website to come to when such a product or service is needed.

8 Does your website educate your visitors?

I know you started your ecommerce website to make a profit. However, you still have to educate your visitors. Many visitors visit a website because it is secure. A secured website usually has a padlock sign and an HTTPS URL because an SSL certificate is installed. SSL can be wildcard SSL, single domain, or multi-domain SSL. If an ecommerce website runs on different subdomains, then many Wildcard SSL Certificate Providers offer huge discounts on purchasing an SSL certificate.

When a visitor searches for specific content and is directed to a particular website, they can be interested in making a purchase right away after seeing the benefits of that product, or if their pain point was touched, they might come back to your website when they need that product or services.

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9 Do your website pages have reviews?

Many people search for a particular product, visit a website, see the reviews, and decide to purchase it as a part of SEO audit for eCommerce website. Here, an ecommerce website gains traffic and sales at the same time.

Most website owners enable schema ratings, which makes it easy for customers to leave star ratings on a particular product. This is more beautiful and easier for a visitor to make an informed decision when buying a product.

Having reviews makes your content richer while also building your authority. A visitor seeing reviews notices that your product or service is as great as you claim since they have seen reviews from other people like them, which influences their purchases.

Generally, reviews have contributed to a great content marketing strategy for e-commerce websites, which is not to be neglected in your SEO audit.

10 Is your user experience great?

Imagine looking for a product or service, and you must wait minutes for a particular website to load. You may get frustrated or even leave the website because you do not have the time to waste, and you know that other websites can give you a better loading time. Imagine losing visitors and customers because your website is slow.

Google Page Speed Tester is what most website owners use to check the website speed and make the necessary corrections that will lead to a better loading time and an improved experience for visitors. Also, check the mobile-friendliness of your website.

Naturally, most websites are built on a personal computer or a laptop. However, many people visiting a website do so with their mobile devices. This makes it essential that you carefully check the user experience of your ecommerce website on your mobile device.

Search engines have noticed that most visitors use mobile devices, so you get points for your website being mobile friendly while also boosting your rankings by search engines.

The internal search bar of your website should not also be neglected while SEO audit for eCommerce website. Your customers will use it to search for products or services, which can help you, know the areas that need to be worked upon and the products or services you need to add.

With Google Analytics, you can find out what your visitors are searching for within your website, how you can get organic traffic to your blog, and what channels a customer uses to access your ecommerce website. Use several methods like Google Analytics and Google Search Engine Console to check your visitor’s experience.

Final thoughts

Carrying out an SEO audit can be time-consuming, but it is necessary. It also takes time to fix all the errors you may notice on your site, but doing so will help you rank, get more traffic and get more sales in the process. Carrying out all these diagnoses and fixing the problems wastes time when you have no SSL Certificate to protect your website. Protect your ecommerce website and ensure you have an improved user experience.

Digital marketing can happen in more ways than one. By following these helpful tips on the SEO audit for eCommerce website, and choosing from the listed channels, digital marketing can be fun and exciting for your business, a social media marketing agency for small as well as for any giant business.

Guest Author: Stefan Amith

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