digital body language_Cloud-Based Document Management Systems

4 Factors for Successful Digital Body Language for A Business

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Digital body language – the sum of all online interactions, from opening email newsletters to visiting websites to downloading content – provides a broad perspective on what an individual thinks of your firm, just as physical body language communicates what people think: their interest in a particular topic, agreement and disagreement, willingness to listen, and so on.

The online signals that a visitor provides to a company through numerous interactions with a site or app that reflect their interests, preferences, and purpose are referred to as digital body language.

We can infer how a person feels by watching how they behave or interact with a website. You can get that information via clicks, time spent on a page, page scrolls, and other sources. You may come as near to their actual body language as possible by observing their online actions.

Because of the coronavirus, many of us are having to learn how to operate, manage, and interact with workers and peers over the phone. As a result, the importance of digital body language is greater than ever.

That is good information. Because customers and prospects’ digital body language reveals the challenges they’re attempting to solve and the solutions they’re evaluating, you may place them on the path to retaining the business for new or extra work.

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Factors for digital body language

Looking into a prospect’s DBL may assist marketers to identify not just what to convey to prospective customers, but also when to communicate, what communication channels to utilize, and when to bring salespeople into the picture, according to Steven Woods’ 2010 book “Digital Body Language.”

We describe digital body language as any signals communicated digitally, whether in an online conference with or without video, or in textual interactions sent by text, email, or instant chat.

Simply put, digital communication refers to an organization’s attempts to communicate online. Most businesses now utilize a variety of online channels to communicate with existing and potential customers, workers, and other stakeholders, ranging from their website to mobile chat to blogs.

A short glance at the steps of what’s known as the “sales funnel” can help put that in context. Many of you are probably already aware of these ideas, but it’s helpful for everyone to be on the same page — for more on the sales funnel, see this article:

1. Awareness

This is the point at which your target audience learns about what you do and how you can assist them in solving their difficulties. Your prospect’s awareness is more specific than just knowing that your company exists and performs corporate law, for example: at this point, your prospect is aware that they have a specific problem to address and that you supply the services they require to overcome that obstacle.

2. Interest

Prospects who have progressed to this level are more interested in the solutions you provide. They read your articles and whitepapers, attend your webinars, and pass along your company’s material to their peers. They peruse the biographies of lawyers who might be able to assist them. In other words, they’ve gotten interested in your abilities and expertise in dealing with their issue.

3. Engagement

At this phase, your prospect begins to interact with you, for example, by asking questions during your webinars and signing up for automated material delivery.

They may even email you to inform you about their difficulties, allowing you to provide solutions. An engaged audience grows to trust your knowledge and perspective, and they may even begin to compare your responses to those of other service providers.

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4. Action

Prospects hire you for new work, and current clients retain the company for work outside the limits of your existing representation at this point.

This background helps us understand why understanding your clients’ and prospects’ digital body language is crucial to converting them into clients and even bigger clients. You may design bespoke and personalized tactics to assist drive clients and potential clients through the sales funnel if you grasp the clues they leave — with every online encounter.

For example, digital body language may notify you when to:

“We’ve observed that your HR personnel are reading a lot of our cybersecurity stuff,” send an email to a large client’s GC. Would you like us to put together a curriculum for your staff on concerns with data security and labor law?”

Because you’re noticing an increase in reader interest in a new federal banking rule, host a webinar with a prominent banking regulator.

Because individuals at that company just read and shared your article on EU mergers, include a European M&A lawyer on the team visiting a possible new client.

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How To Effectively Communicate Your Message

Body language is nonverbal communication that includes metamessages sent through facial expressions, posture, eye movement, eye contact, voice tone, and hand and arm movements. The majority of this type of communication is unconscious, so being aware of your body language is critical for avoiding miscommunication, misunderstandings, and misinterpretations, particularly when working with virtual teams.

Working remotely using several communication tools like Zoom, email, and text has become the new normal. While these tools have numerous advantages, such as broadening how we interact and work, they also have disadvantages. When utilized correctly, digital communication allows you to communicate with more people, more frequently, and with greater information and precision.

Simultaneously, some people use digital communication at a breakneck speed, jumping from one text, email, or Zoom conversation to the next, which can cause confusion for others on the receiving end.

As a result, trust and confidence may be eroded, resulting in less cooperation and involvement, as well as an increase in mistakes. The emotional tone might also be lost, leading to misunderstandings and wounded sentiments, which is why utilizing emojis to express the emotional tone is so important. So, how can you know if your body language is conveying your message effectively?

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Take away

Consider the following:

  • How does your room/desk appear during a Zoom meeting?
  • According to research, empathy is the most important leadership skill.
  • Why are U.S. talent shortages at a 10-year high?
  • You’ll Almost Certainly Need More Friends—How Here’s To Get Them
  • Is your phone on quiet mode?Do you make hand motions while you speak?
  • Do you make eye contact with your audience members?
  • Are you soliciting feedback and checking for clarity? In a post-pandemic workplace, flexibility is key to supporting working mothers.
  • Do you solicit inquiries through chat or live?
  • Is your meeting more of a lecture or an interactive session?
  • Is there a call to action at the end of the meeting?
  • Do you see any grins, nods, or other signs of recognition while you’re speaking?

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